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See 全球十大赌博靠谱平台 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.



TC Energy offers electronic documents online for registered shareholders, 不记名股东, 潜在股东和其他利益相关方.

电子文件传递更方便, 更环保, 并有助于减少邮资和印刷成本.


注册股东 own their shares directly and are registered as an owner with TC Energy. The following online documents are available to registered shareholders.

股东年度信息(年度报告), 会议通知, information circular and proxy-related materials and any other information in connection with an annual and/or special meeting)

  • 季度财务报告
  • 语句 (direct deposit advices, dividend reinvestment plan statements)


Electronic subscription services for registered shareholders are provided by TC Energy's Transfer Agent, Computershare投资者服务公司. For every registered holder that enrols, a tree will be planted on your behalf. Please have your Holder Account Number from your dividend cheque or statement available when subscribing online for eDelivery.



不记名股东 own their shares via a brokerage account and are not registered as an owner with TC Energy. The following online documents are available to 不记名股东:

股东年度信息(年度报告), 会议通知, information circular and proxy-related materials and any other information in connection with an annual and/or special meeting).


Electronic subscription services for 不记名股东 are provided by Investor Delivery. Please have your Enrolment Number available when subscribing online. 它可以在你最近的邮件中找到.


To the extent that information is submitted to the Investor Relations department (via email, 传真, regular mail or otherwise) that is not relevant for processing requests as outlined above, IR不会维护或储存该等资料, 但是会被摧毁. In circumstances where information submitted is relevant to requests processed by other departments of TC Energy, 这些信息将被转发给相关方. Please do not provide original documents as they will not be returned. 欲了解更多信息,请查看我们的 隐私声明.